Peter watches the panorama from the " Vigneto Casina " in Tramonti
Il pittore americano Peter Ruta e la moglie Suzanne ieri hanno lasciato Positano per trasferirsi qualche settimana nella tenuta del dott. Alfonso Arpino proprietario delle Aziende Agricole vinicole Monte di Grazia a Tramonti .
Peter Ruta e il dott. Alfonso Arpino nel Vigneto Madonna del Carmine a Tramonti . American painter Peter Ruta (L), 91, gestures near Alfonso Arpino on saturday 11 Jul. 2009 in the vineyard "Madonna del Carmine " in Tramonti in South of Italy-
Alfonso Arpino ,Peter Ruta, Enzo Esposito e Suzanne .
I vigneti , le viti e i ceppi secolari tra le colline sottostanti le montagne di Tramonti saranno i prossimi soggetti delle guaches di Peter. Non più il cielo e il mare di Positano con le sue case color pastello ma paesaggi sulle colline di Tramonti con mille tonalità di verde alle falde delle aspre montagne dei Monti Lattari. A presto Peter presto ti verremo a trovare.....Intanto alcune foto scattate ieri. Una panoramica del vigneto Casina
Painter Peter Ruta left Positano on July 11th for Tramonti, a green cool farming village (vineyards, mozzarella,
all the vegetables of Mediterranean cuisine) in the hills above Maiori, to paint the landscape for a few weeks,
notably the ancient vineyards of the Monte di Grazia estate of Dr Alfonso Arpino. For a landscape painter
Tramonti with its abrupt hills, its varied vegetation - chestnuts, walnut trees, cypress, figs and those ancient
vineyards - offers an embarassment of riches in the choice of a motif.
Tramonti has a fascinating history. After the second world war when southern Italians emigrated north to work in the
factories of Torino, the people of Tramonti, with their tradition as mozzarella makers, went north to open hundreds of
pizzerias in small towns throughout the north, many still in operation. It was this migration that brought pizza from its
southern Italian origins to the rest of Italy, and of course, to the rest of the world. Peter and his wife Suzanne learned this and many other fascinating facts from their host at agriturismo Mare e Monte, Maria Basileo.
to be continued
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