Cathryn il prossimo mercoledì 26 maggio alle ore 18.oo presenterà nella Sala Consiliare del Comune di Positano il suo nuovo libro di poesie " Blue parchement".

I had a wolderful opportunity to travel in Italy presented to me in 2005. I accepted and was fortunate ti visit Positano. I was enchanted and returned to stay in 2006. Until then longest I had lived anywhere was the last 25 years I lived with my husband and two sons in Evergreen, Colorado. Before that, we had lived in Tehran, Iran, where my husband had been born. I was born in Denver, Colorado, the second child of my parent's 12 children. I lived there until I was married.
My husband and I moved to San Francisco and then Iran and back again. Now, I do as little as possible and write as much and well as I can. My wish is to hase my poems read and appeciated; my dream is of being published. Cathryn Adeli said .
" Se quando morirò Dio mi dirà
Puoi essere tutto ciò
Che ti rende libera
Signore, ti prego direi, vorrei essere
L’albero di limoni Amalfi
Perché non è troppo grande
E cresce a strapiombo sul Mediterraneo
Con i suoi fiori bianchi dal profumo inebriante
Il suo frutto luminoso come la luna a fine estate
Leniente e dolce
Rami scuri s’intrecciano e tessono
Con le foglie appuntite e lucidi merletti verdi.
Non ognuno a suo tempo
Ma fiore frutto e sonno
Ecco che cosa desidero essere
L’albero di limoni Amalfi.
If when I die God, says to me
You may be whatever will set you free.
I would say Oh, Lord, please. I wish to be
The lemon tree of Amalfi
For it grows not large on cliffs
Above the Mediterranean Sea.
Whit white blossoms of perfumes intoxicating.
Its fruit glows like the harvest moon
Medicinal and so sweetly.
Dark branches wind and weave
Green lace of glossy pointed leaves.
Not each within its season
But blossom, fruit and sleep
And that is why I wish to be
The lemon tree of Amalfi
Catrhyn Adely
La traduzione in italiano è stata curata da Laura Franco professoressa di lessico scientifico della "Sapienza " di Roma . La presentazione del suo libro sarà fatta da Gianni Menichetti.
3 commenti:
We had met Cathy in a town cafe in Positano for not more than fifteen minutes. And heard her recite "The Lemon Tree of Amalfi" and we felt in love with her poetry. And our appreciation of Positano and Amalfi Coast grew manifold on hearing her passion about d place. She's a wonderful woman. And its so heartwarming so knnow that she published a book.... Way to go, deep appreciations and Cheers, Jasneet & Sandeep from New Delhi, India
We had met Cathy in a town cafe in Positano for not more than fifteen minutes. And heard her recite "The Lemon Tree of Amalfi" and we felt in love with her poetry. And our appreciation of Positano and Amalfi Coast grew manifold on hearing her passion about d place. She's a wonderful woman. And its so heartwarming so knnow that she published a book.... Way to go, deep appreciations and Cheers, Jasneet & Sandeep from New Delhi, India
We had met Cathy in a town cafe in Positano for not more than fifteen minutes. And heard her recite "The Lemon Tree of Amalfi" and we felt in love with her poetry. And our appreciation of Positano and Amalfi Coast grew manifold on hearing her passion about d place. She's a wonderful woman. And its so heartwarming so knnow that she published a book.... Way to go, deep appreciations and Cheers, Jasneet & Sandeep from New Delhi, India
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