Sulla parete all'ingresso della Gallery un dipinto dell'artista livornese
Stefano Pilato " Lo scorfano procidano"
scultrice romana Alba Gonzales - segue il dipinto " dell' artista del vento"
Franco Azzinari. . Al centro Maria Mucciolo , il dipinto di Francesco canini " Nuotatrici" e una scultore un cane di Dario Tironi.
Una scultura dell' artista bergamasco di fama
internazionale Dario Tironi che per la creazione
delle sue opere utilizza materiali di scarto recuperati
tra la spazzatura.
Dietro " Gemelli" un dipinto di Sergio Fiorentino e
una statuetta in carta della scultrice fiorentina Sabina Feroci
Maria Mucciolo e l'opera di Camilla Ancilotto " Dea Kalì"
Auguri e Complimenti a Maria e Filomena per questo nuovo impegno
I was in your gallery in 2017 and there was a featured artist there that moved me so much, i cried in your shop. The name of the artist was written down for me, but I'm afraid in my travels I have lost the name. The pieces that spoke to me were these blue figures in various positions with symbols and inscriptions on their bodies. Is it possible for you to tell me the name of that artist or where i can find their work?
RispondiElimina- Brianna:
I was in your gallery in 2017 and there was a featured artist there that moved me so much, i cried in your shop. The name of the artist was written down for me, but I'm afraid in my travels I have lost the name. The pieces that spoke to me were these blue figures in various positions with symbols and inscriptions on their bodies. Is it possible for you to tell me the name of that artist or where i can find their work?
RispondiElimina- Brianna: